How it all started...
Prayer room
"Give me a room in your home." This simple and yet profound invitation from the Lord is what began our journey of obedience and faith. Setting aside a physical place to meet with Jesus in our home. To not only live our lives for a God who loves us but to invite Jesus to live His life in and through us.
"Give me a room in your home." This simple and yet profound invitation from the Lord is what began our journey of obedience and faith. Setting aside a physical place to meet with Jesus in our home. To not only live our lives for a God who loves us but to invite Jesus to live His life in and through us.

Expanding the vision...
This transformational way of living with Jesus began to take over all aspects of our lives. Now as full-time ministers of the Gospel through prayer and music, Jesus has made a way for us to share His heart with the nations.
Where we are headed...
To walk with Jesus at the pace of His love requires an attentiveness and attunement to His Heart. We have decided to follow where He leads. Currently we find ourselves serving in multi-denominational/multi-ethnic environments alongside international church-planting organizations. We help to create safe spaces for the unity of the Church to be expressed and celebrated in an ecumenical way. Where He will lead us next is an exciting mystery yet to be revealed.